Bakersfield Dog Adoption – Available Dogs
The following profiles display dogs that are currently in need of a forever home. Each of these dogs is either being temporarily boarded or fostered by individuals in our community. Whether you are an individual looking to adopt or a private dog rescue with the resources to facilitate adoptions, we would greatly appreciate your support in finding these pups a loving home. Adopt a stray today!
Please visit our application page for more information on how you can help. Thank you for your support in caring for these dogs.
Age: 4 m
Sex: Female
Weight: 20
Breed: Black Mouth Cur Mix
Reproductive: Spayed
Vaccinations: Fully Vaccinated
My Story:
This sweet girl was found wandering in the streets of Bakersfield for weeks. People would shoo her away and she ended up out there during the rain storm that came through. It was cold and it was wet. We knew we had to get her safe. She was easily secured with treats.
About Me:
Honeybee is the sweetest little doll. She is dog friendly and loves playing with all the other doggies. Honeybee loves being the center of attention and enjoys lots of hugs and kisses. She is absolutely gorgeous on top of her wonderful personality. Honeybee will make a wonderful addition to your family.
My Status: Fostered
Complete an Application
Become a Bakersfield Strays Rescue Partner, foster, or adopt.
Make a Donation
You can support all of our dogs via donations too.
Age: 4 m
Sex: Female
Weight: 20
Breed: Black Mouth Cur Mix
Reproductive: Spayed
Vaccinations: Fully Vaccinated
My Story:
This sweet girl was found wandering in the streets of Bakersfield for weeks. People would shoo her away and she ended up out there during the rain storm that came through. It was cold and it was wet. We knew we had to get her safe. She was easily secured with treats.
About Me:
Honeybee is the sweetest little doll. She is dog friendly and loves playing with all the other doggies. Honeybee loves being the center of attention and enjoys lots of hugs and kisses. She is absolutely gorgeous on top of her wonderful personality. Honeybee will make a wonderful addition to your family.
My Status: Fostered
Rescue Partners
One of the most critical needs for our team are partners with the ability to help house Bakersfield Strays dogs upon being picked up. We have limited space and ability to hold them for long periods of time and our expertise is more generally suited for partnerships with larger private adoption agencies that can become a liaison between us and the forever homes of the dogs. We do have a process for becoming a partner that ensures they are going to remain happy and healthy in loving homes. If you are interested in helping us overcome this crisis and you have the ability to facilitate the adoption process n our behalf, please apply to become one of our valued partners. You can find the steps to doing so at the link below.
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