Making a DifferenceOne Dog at a Time
Making a DifferenceOne Dog at a Time
526 Dogs
taken of the street
526 Dogs
taken of the street
Behind the scenes in Bakersfield, California there is a crisis that not enough people are talking about. Everyday more and more beautiful dogs are being left abandoned in the streets. Furthermore, these dogs are without food, shelter, and no one to love them the way they deserved to be loved!
Moreover, it is beyond comprehension that anyone could ever abandon their pet without a chance for survival. Furthermore, for those of us that know the area, we understand that the winters get frigid and the summers get blazing hot. Finally, without support, these pups wouldn’t make it on their own.
Hence, the birth of Bakersfield Strays. Firstly, we are a collaboration of individuals and rescue groups working to put a stop to this endless abandonment of dogs. Secondly, our vision is that every animal has a safe home and Kern County, specifically Bakersfield, becomes known again for its incredible agriculture.
We collect donations that go directly to providing food, boarding, building shelters, obtaining veterinarian support, and costs that are specifically earmarked for the funding of something needed. Furthermore, our trapping, holding, delivery, application, and marketing services are 100% volunteer-based! Submit an adoption application today for one of our stray rescue!
One of the most critical needs for our team are partners with the ability to help house Bakersfield Strays dogs upon being picked up. We have limited space and ability to hold them for long periods of time and our expertise is more generally suited for partnerships with larger private adoption agencies that can become a liaison between us and the forever homes of the dogs. We do have a process for becoming a partner that ensures they are going to remain happy and healthy in loving homes. If you are interested in helping us overcome this crisis and you have the ability to facilitate the adoption process on our behalf, please apply to become one of our valued partners. You can find the steps to doing so at the link below.
Fill out the form and we will notify you with news and updates about our continued work in the Bakersfield community.